The business field

Core Technology

Development of Innovative Novel Drugs

Cancer Vaccine
(in vivo Priming Therapy)


Cell Therapy with
Novel Targets through
Open Innovation

Cancer Vaccine (in vivo Priming Therapy)

  • Development of mRNA-based Cancer Vaccine through Immuno-Oncology approach
  • Development of off-the-shelf Cancer Vaccine using Shared Neoantigens
  • Development of Personalized Cancer Vaccine using Neoantigens
  • Development of Personalized Cancer Vaccine using Idiotypes

Osteoarthritis Therapeutics

  • Protein replacement therapy
  • Development of DMOAD (Disease-Modifying Osteoarthritis Drug)
  • Regeneration of Cartilage Tissue and Pain Control

Cell Therapy with Novel Targets through Open Innovation

  • Development of a novel target cell therapy agent